Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Sweetness

We made dumplings today!

Summer Palace Gate

The Summer Palace from the lake

In front of the Summer Palace
Dear all,

What a wonderful refreshing time we had--some Sunday sweetness. Our time at Beijing International Christian Fellowship was so good. The worship leader was here from the States and Dr Stuart Briscoe preached. He preached on priorities and it was incredible. I was deeply moved with the time of singing and teaching this morning.

Sarah didn't attend the large group, but rather the children's time. She and Bethany were disappointed that it seemed to be for younger kids.

We headed to the Summer Palace after a little shopping and lunch. It was a beautiful day--blue skies! When Essen and I went before, we didn't get to climb to the palace, but only saw the lake. Our team had fun climbing the rocks and taking fun pictures. All those stairs and climbing had us sweaty and tired! Some of the rooms were open to walk into. These dark rooms were filled with large Buddha statues. This was a bit creepy for the kids to see. After taking in the palace, we walked along the lake and got on a boat. The day was spectacular. So many were on the water in boats or having picnics. We could have spent hours there...

We walked over to where the bus was to meet us, and I guess there was some confusion. We waited for a little less than an hour for the bus in the sun. We had all these people trying to sell us things...and their persistence and low prices had us buying some gifts to take home. Guess we are the gullible Americans and ended up buying half their goods!

After the Summer Palace, we headed back to New Day and then over to a friend's home for dumplings. This was very special and we were privileged to be invited. I can't wait to fill you in on more stories...
Off to breakfast and a full day of loving on the babies!

Love to you all! Enjoy the pics from this day!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cathy and Sarah,

    Just finished reading your blog. How fun to be able to track your adventures! I know God is using you both to spread the love of Jesus to the staff and to the babies even if it is non-verbal touch and smiles. Words are important but touch can be powerful, too!

    Sarah, we are so proud of you and the way you are serving the little ones that Jesus loves so much.

    Cathy, your skills and willingness to love on the staff and children are more than sufficient in the Physician's hands.

    We love you both! Debbie Bennetch
