Monday, June 21, 2010

Second to Last Day

This is the second to last day here in China. It has only been 11 days, but it really seems like over a month. I just can't believe the needs that are here at New Day and in China.

This morning, I helped work with little Jenna on the picture communication system. She was able to use one card last week to communicate that she wanted candy or a drink. And I think she understood that if she gives this card she got something. Well today I am pretty sure understood that the picture represented the item she got. Today we put two cards in front of her and she pointed and tried to grab candy bag. When I prompted her to use the card, she looked at both cards and picked the candy picture! This will be a slow process, but I do think it will give this little girl some way of communicating her needs. What fun to introduce the staff to this type of communication. The therapists really seem motivated to learn how to use it with Jenna and I have even heard they are thinking about another little one to use it with.

After our session with Jenna, I worked with a very busy Lucy. She was pretty distracted in the therapy room and there were no really therapy goals for our time together. Developing therapy goals and planning are what we are going to discuss tomorrow. Today I suggested that we develop stations for Lucy to go around the room and do. We had a large ball for her to work on core muscle strength and targeted speech sounds in one station. We did a farm/animals station to work on animal sounds while singing "eieio". In another station we set up oral air flow/oral motor activities (bubbles or a windmill). And the fourth station we had her looking at a mirror on the wall, identifying body parts while singing "Head shoulders knees and toes." Lucy needs to work on her walking and so we had her walking between each station. She was busy, so we stayed busy with her.

A group of us headed over to the Healing Home to evaluate a new cleft palate/cleft lip baby that they have named Anton. Anton also has a severe heart defect. He is 10 months old, but he is as tiny as a five month old--unable to sit on his own and so itty-bitty. We chatted about his feeding with the nannies--talking about careful positioning, burping and the bottle nipples to use. I asked if they were brushing his teeth, and they said they weren't. So we spent the remainder of our time cleaning his teeth and cleaning his nose. I was told the nannies were too nervous to do this. I left several types of toothbrushes for them to use with Anton along with a teether that vibrates that he seemed to love.

Sarah spent her day lovin’ the babies in the baby room this morning. Baby Judah is back from the hospital and doing better. The afternoon she and I spent together in the English School. We talked to the students about our life in Virginia and other places that we have traveled to. We also talked about Current Events. Every afternoon the students are in discussion groups to practice their English. It was fun to be with Sarah talking with the students. Here are some of Sarah's impressions:

"China is amazing! I can't believe I'm actually here! At first it was really weird seeing, hearing, and smelling different things, but as the days go on I've gotten more and more used to it. The kids here at New Day are adorable! I want to take them all home! This past weekend we saw the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. They we so beautiful! We have had amazing weather. Blue skies, but hot! I am getting pretty tired tonight, so I will write more later. I miss you Dad, Michael, Rachel and Lydia. We will be home soon!"

We need to run to pack and do a little preparing for tomorrow's meetings and sessions with the children. We can't believe tomorrow is our last day here at New Day.

Enjoy the pictures of some of the children we worked with today and also the students in the English School. Sarah helped get the gift bags done for the nannies tonight.
Love to you all!


  1. I can't believe your time is almost over!! It seems to have flown have done so many awesome things while you've been there...just opening up a new way of communicating and getting the nannies motivated to learn new ways of approaching difficult situations!

    Hope you have safe travels home and can't wait to catch up on ALL the details!!

  2. Cathy,
    Thanks for keeping up this blog. It has been wonderful to read what you have been doing and teaching and seeing. Thank you for all of the stories about the children, and the photos have been great! It sounds like your team has been a big blessing to these children and their caretakers.

    I hope you and Sarah have a safe trip home.
