Thursday, June 10, 2010

Answered prayers!

Last night, at our church's prayer meeting, I told everyone how the physician on our team was planning to teach on ear infections and I had found an otoscope company selling otoscopes for us at cost. We were thrilled to be taking these much needed otoscopes to train the orphanage staff on ear infection detection. Well...the otoscopes didn't arrive. I had the group last night pray, and God answered our prayers in an amazing way! The medical supply company said this morning that the shipment should have arrived a few days ago and on line it showed they were in Richmond. How could they possibly get here in time? Our mail comes pretty early most days and Richmond is 2 hours away. So, when the postman arrived at the house(later than normal, I might add) I ran out to ask him if the package came in tonight, could I pick them up at the post office. He then told me he had a package for me--and it was the otoscopes! Now, that was amazing, but this is the incredible part of the story. The postman then proceeded to tell me how another postman had gotten in his own car this morning and traveled the two hours to get the package along with 20 or so other packages that had been misdirected. Wow! That's answered prayer! My postman seemed pretty happy to hear about the blessing these otoscopes would have on orphans in China. I love my dear prayer warriors!!! Isn't it fun to see answered prayers! God is soooo good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying for safe travels for you guys and for you to be a blessing and be blessed...I know that all three will happen! I love you guys and can't wait to see pictures and hear everything. I'll just be right up the road if Lydia needs some playtime to help her!!!
